An object for displaying texts. Supports both bitmap fonts and system fonts.
Set attributes
Attribute | Description |
font | [Required] Font name |
font-size | Font size (System fonts only) |
animation | Animation mode |
speed | Animation speed |
text | Text content |
fit | Constrain text within size boundary |
align-x | Horizontal alignment |
align-y | Vertical alignment |
bold | Bold text (System fonts only) |
italic | Italic text (System fonts only) |
ideal | Ideal sizing (System fonts only) |
Additionally, this asset type inherits all object attributes.
font [string] (Required)
Name of a valid Font resource or a system font.
font = "My font"
font = "Arial"
animation [integer]
An integer value that sets the animation mode.
Value | Animation |
0 | None |
1 | Typewriter |
2 | Simple fade |
3 | Smooth fade |
animation = "1"
speed [integer]
Value that determines how fast the characters appear when animation is enabled in characters per second.
speed = "25"
fit [bool]
When false, text object will resize based on its text content.
When true, the text content is constrained to within the object's size.
fit = "true"
align-x [string]
Sets horizontal text alignment. Default alignment is " left".
Value | Alignment |
"left" | Left |
"center" | Center |
"right" | Right |
align-x = "center"
align-y [string]
Sets vertical text alignment. Default alignment is "top".
Value | Alignment |
"top" | Top |
"center" | Center |
"bottom" | Bottom |
align-y = "bottom"
font-size [integer]
Font size. This attribute only applies when using a system font.
font-size = "16"
italic [bool]
Italic text. This attribute only applies when using a system font.
italic = "true"
ideal [bool]
Enables ideal font sizing. This attribute only applies when using a system font.
When this attribute is true (default) the font size is determined by the scale of the object. This behavior ensures that the font is scaled appropriately when the game is played in other resolutions.
ideal = "true"
Valid child tags
Child tags | Description |
<Traits> | Object traits list |
<Meta> | Meta information |
Objects... | Other objects |
<Text name="My text" font="My font" text="Hello" align-x="center" />